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Phytovy Probiotic

Phytovy Probiotic helps to increase the good bacteria in the gut. To keep the intestinal microflora functioning normally, it balances the growth of prebiotics and boosts immunity systems.



TARGET help to nourish eyes and improve vision. It contains a few natural extractions which are good for the eyes. 


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Nutrinal B4 dietary supplement that promotes fat metabolism for a healthy body.


Nutriga Canza

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Calcium is important for bone and teeth. It contains the nutrients of shark cartilage, magnesium, L-arginine, and Vitamin D which help to nourish joints and bone. 


Phytovy Liv

Phytovy Liv promotes the detoxification of the intestines and liver and eliminates toxins. Antibac Innovation that developed with herbal extracts is guaranteed by the Grand Prize Innovation Award in Korea and the FIR technology is to remove bacteria. Antibac is rich in various types of probiotics that help balance the function of the intestines and strengthen the immune system.


S.O.D More (Sachet)

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Nutriga Su-rin

Poorly controlled diabetes can lead to few consequences, causing damage to a wide range of your body's organs and tissues – including your heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. Nutriga Su-rin could help to reduce the sugar level in the blood. Ginseng is an ingredient in Nutriga Su-rin, known as the “King of Herbs” which helps to reduce the risk of diabetes and lower cholesterol.
